Unsere Liederliste


A joyful noise
African Alleluia
Agnus dei
Ain’t nobody
All the time
All night, all day
Allein in einer Winternacht
Amazing Grace
Awesome God

Baby just cares for
Bei Gott bin ich geborgen
Bleibet hier
Bless the lord
Blessings are falling
Body and Soul
Bring it all before the throne

Close every door
Clean this house
Come let us sing

Dank am Abend
Day by day
Die Weihnachtsgabe
Deep river of love
Deeper than the ocean
Dein Wort ist meines Fußes Leuchte
Do not be afraid
Dont believe it
Down to the river to pray

Easter song
Ein Kind kommt aus Bethlehem
Es ist für uns eine ...
Evening rise

Faithful friend
For the rest of my life
From a distance

Geh den Weg nicht allein
Geh unter der Gnade
Gepriesen sei der Herr
Gib mir die richtigen Worte
Get on up
Go, tell it on the mountains
God, our Jesus and the Holy Ghost
Good News
Gott segne dich
Gott spannt leise feine Fäden
Guidance (Lead us o lord)

Hail dear Jerusalem
Halleluja, seht was Gott getan
Hallelujah Yahweh!
Hallo Django
Halt mich fest
He did
Heaven is a wonderful place
Help me lord
Herr, das Licht deiner Liebe
Herr dein Erbarmen ist groß
Hirten, sie wachten nachts
Hold on
Hold on just a li'l while longer
Holy, holy, holy
Holy one
Hush (God is standing by)

I am saved
I bow down
I can't wait
I give myself away
I give you praise
I sing holy
I've been saved
I`ve got a feeling
I want to love you lord
I will follow him
Ich sing dir mein Lied
Ich trau auf dich
Ich will dich segnen
Ihr Mächtigen
Ihr seid nicht umsonst gekommen
In der Mitte der Nacht
In der Nacht von Bethlehem
In your arms
Irische Segenswünsche
Irish christmas waltz
It's a me
It wasn't the nails

Jedes Kind braucht einen Engel
Jesus is coming back again
Jesus, oh, what a wonderful child
Joyful! Joyful!
Just a closer walk with thee

Kleines Senfkorn Hoffnung

Lay your burdens down
Let me fly
Let my light shine bright
Let my people go
Let us stand
Let's sing a song of christmas
Light a candle
Listen to the Angels sing
Lift up the name of Jesus
Living he loved me
Lord hold me now
Lord I owe my life

Mary's boy child
May the lord send angels
Meine Hoffnung und meine Freude
Meine Zeit steht in Deinen Händen
Morgenlicht leuchtet
Morning has broken
Motherless child
My father
My god
My promise

Nga jo jo (The Adventure)
Not my will but thine
Nothing but a child
Now at the name of Jesus

O Lord hear my pray'r
Oh, happy day
Oh, when the saints

Please Lord take time
Prayer for the city
Prepare (The Way of the Lord)
Psalm 51 (Create in me)
Put your hand in the hand

Revelation song
Rhythm of life

Selig seid Ihr
Shower of Love
Sing unto the Lord - Medly
So soll es sein
Somebody's knocking at your door
Soon and very soon
Soon be done
Stand on the rock
Stern über Bethlehem
Stille Nacht
Sunny light of Bethlehem
Surely, surely
Swing low, sweet chariot

The lord never fails
The night that christ was born
The road
The rose
The star
The storm is passing over
The way I care
There is a light
There is one more day
This little light of mine
This train
Those were the days
Thy will be done
Time to celebrate

Unfailing love

Vater unser im Himmel
Virgin Mary (Glorious Kingdom)

Wade in the water
Waiting for the lord
War is over
We are on our way
We lift your name up high
We pray
We stand united
We will bless him
Well, I`m gonna sing
What a happy day
What a mighty god we serve
What can I do to thank you
Wieder ist Weihnachtszeit
Wißt ihr noch wie es geschehen
Wo Menschen sich vergessen
Worthy of all praise

You are
You are faithful
You are holy (trad.)
You are my all in all
You bless me, lord
You heal my wounds, lord